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Future Volunteers ~ Please Submit Your Interest Here!

    Welcome and thank you for your interest in being a Wyoming SHRM State Council Volunteer Leader!

    We currently have the following positions open:

    Certification Director

    If you are interested in any of these positions, please submit the following form, and someone from our State Council will reach out as soon as possible.

    Contact Information
    Please enter your First Name and Last Name in the boxes below:
    Please list all areas in which you are interested in...
    Have you volunteered with SHRM or other organizations previously? If so please tell us about it (ie. what role and why).
    Please let us know why you are interested in volunteering with Wyoming SHRM.
    Please let us know if you are available to start today or if you are looking at volunteering at some point in the future.
    This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.