Future Volunteers ~ Please Submit Your Interest Here!
Welcome and thank you for your interest in being a Wyoming SHRM volunteer. As such we invite you to submit your interest in being a Wyoming SHRM State Council volunteer. If you know what area you are most interested in volunteering, then please let us know. Current volunteer areas consist of State Council Director, State Council Director-Elect, State Council Secretary/Treasurer, and the Core Leadership Area (CLA) volunteers consist of Diversity Director, Membership Director, Workforce Readiness Director, Governmental Affairs/Legislative Director, Certification Director, College Relations Director, and SHRM Foundation Director. Otherwise if you are interested in volunteering but unsure of what role or at what level then please let us know that as well. What ever you choose we will work with you to find where you are the most comfortable at as we all have different strengths we can build upon. Thanks again for your interest and we look forward to contacting you soon!