Public Sector Exellence Award Nomination Form
Wyoming State Council of SHRM
Public Sector Excellence Award
Nomination Form
The nominee must be employed by and perform work in an HR role for a Wyoming governmental agency: local (city/local boards), county, or state as well the University of Wyoming and the community college system. Nominees should have demonstrated contributions to public sector human resources by role modeling excellence in HR. Nominees must be a Wyoming SHRM Chapter Affiliated Member or National SHRM Member. Preference is given to a nominee who is active in their local SHRM chapter or State Council.
Name of Nominee:
Job Title:
Name of Chapter (if affiliated):
Please complete the following:
- Why did you nominate this individual?
- Describe one outstanding contribution this individual has made toward role modeling excellence in Public Sector HR.
- Tell the committee any information about this individual’s work that sets them apart from others.
Name of person making the nomination & contact information: