2018 Vendor Registration
To register as a vendor for the 2018 Wyoming SHRM State Conference, please enter your information below. When you have finished, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page.
Head Wrangler $1500+
- Company banner may be displayed in “General Session” area
- Opportunity to deliver a five minute advertisement, commercial, or speech
- Opportunity to place sales literature or brochures on tables for one meal
- 2 Full Conference registrations with access to all education, events & meals ($400 + value)
- Includes vendor booth- up to 2 representatives
- One page ad in official program
Cow Poke Sponsor $1000+
- Company banner may be displayed in "General Session" area
- Opportunity to deliver a five-minute advertisement, commercial , or speech
- Opportunity to place sales literature or brochures on tables for one meal
- 1 Full Conference registration with access to all education, events & meals ($200 + value)
- Includes vendor booth
- Sponsor listing in official program
WranglerSponsor $500+
- Vendor booth
- Recognition at conference
- Sponsor listing in official program
- Discount registratoin (include access to session and meals) $125
Bronc Buster Sponsor $300+
- Includes vendor booth (no education, meals or events are included)
- Sponsor listing in official program
Little Buckaroo Sponsor $150+
- Non-Profit Vendor Booth. LImited availabilty and does not inlude access to sessions or meals.
- Could be a monetary or in-kind donation
- Sponsor listing in official program
*All sponsors are asked to bring a door prize to be raffled off at the end of the conference.